Divi Theme 2.4 Download

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Jul 28, 2015. Elegant Themes Divi 2.4 Drag and Drop Theme Review on There is a Theme For That - With the new 2.4 update to Divi, Elegant Themes is betting that this theme will become the foundation of their future themes and updates. With the new, sop. Free Download Elegant Themes Divi theme v3.26.6 WordPress theme under GPL License - Freethub.com. Educational purpose only. Not nulled version! Free Download Divi WordPress Theme 3.11 (2018 Updated). By Elegant themes Free Full Version v.3.11. Here is the direct downloading link to zipped file pack which is ready to use.

  1. Divi Theme 2.4 Download Free
  2. Divi Theme Tutorial
version 2.4.4 ( updated 06-26-2015 )
- Customizer: Fixed the issue with Footer Layout option, not working with localized text
* css/theme-customizer-controls-styles.css
* js/theme-customizer-controls.js
- Customizer: Fixed the issue with light font variants, not being displayed properly in Live Preview
* epanel/google-fonts/et_google_fonts.js
* functions.php
- Customizer: Fixed the issue with range slider tooltips, not being visible in Safari
* js/theme-customizer-controls.js
2.4- Fixed the issue with Customizer, not working properly if the Wordpress Address is different than Site Address
* functions.php
- Fixed various formatting issues in WYSIWIG editor.
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
- Fixed the issue with double quotes, disappearing in modules settings
* includes/builder/functions.php
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
- Made transparent background for pagebuilder sections to be used on single pages only
- Fixed some RTL layout issues
* js/custom.js
* rtl.css
* includes/builder/styles/style.css
- Removed unneeded space at the top of the site on mobile, when 'Fixed Navigation' option is disabled in ePanel
* functions.php
* style.css
- Fullwidth Portfolio: Fixed the issue with resizing on the page with Blog module
* js/custom.js
* includes/builder/main-modules.php
- Login Module: Fixed the issue with 'Log out' link, not being displayed for logged in users
- Fullwidth Header Module: Buttons and Logo image now show up, even if Title and/or Subheading is not set
- Map / Fullwidth Map Module: Fixed the issue with Custom CSS settings, not being applied on frontend
- Blog Module: Changed blog module output to not show post content if it also has a blog module enabled
* includes/builder/main-modules.php
- Mega menu width is 100% in centered inline logo header style now
- Fixed the issue with modules visibility inside rows and fullwidth section with parallax background
- Blurb Module: Fixed Blurb image incorrect display in Firefox2.4
- Bumped version number
* style.css
version 2.4.3 ( updated 06-22-2015 )
- Fixed the issue with CSS parallax section, not working after the Map module
* js/custom.js
* style.css
- Fixed the Accent Color conflict with some Advanced color settings
- Updated the Project taxonomy labels for better readability
* functions.php
- Fixed the issue with submenus, being visible at all times
- Fixed custom dropdown animation in Safari
- Fixed dropdown menu, not working in Safari with 'Hide menu until scroll' option enabled
- Fixed animation glitch in header when using 'expand' animation in Firefox
- Fixed the issue with mobile sub-menu links, not working with flip animation
* style.css
- Fullwidth Header Module: Fixed the issue with header content alignment when no image is selected
* includes/builder/main-modules.php
* style.css
- Customizer: Fixed the issue with primary menu background option preview
* js/theme-customizer.js
- Page Builder: Fixed the issue with modules alignment
* includes/builder/styles/style.css
- Contact Form Module: Fixed the issue with custom button icon
* includes/builder/main-modules.php
- Fixed some issues with Global Modules, not being in sync in some cases
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
- Fullwidth Header Module: Added 'Text Max Width' setting
* includes/builder/main-modules.php
- Bumped version number
* style.css
version 2.4.2 ( updated 06-18-2015 )
- Fixed the issue with image module animation when default animation selected
version 2.4.1 ( updated 06-18-2015 )
- Blog module: Fixed the issue with with stretched images in Safari
- Fixed mega menu styling issues
- Fixed the issue with Search bar, not visible in Safari
2.4- Fixed fullwidth search field position
* style.css
- Fixed modules initialization on frontend
* functions.php
* includes/builder/framework.php
- Fixed the issue with Customizer, returning back to the homepage automatically on the page with Fullwidth Portfolio module
- Accordion Module: Fixed the issue with toggles, being opened at the same time, when a user was clicking fast.
* js/custom.js
- Updated 'Masonry Blog' to 'Blog Grid' to match Builder verbiage
- Updated 'Full Width Slider' to 'Fullwidth Slider' to match builder verbiage
* functions.php
* js/theme-customizer.js
- Added tooltips to the Builder module icons for better usability
* includes/builder/functions.php
- Fixed some visual issues with TinyMCE editor buttons in Page Builder
* includes/builder/styles/style.css
- Shop Module: Fixed sort functionality
* includes/builder/main-modules.php
- Fixed some issues with items, dragged to Global Sections and Rows
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
- Fixed the issue with default module settings values, being added to custom css on pages.
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
* includes/builder/main-modules.php
- Map Modules: Fixed main map preview
* includes/builder/main-modules.php
version 2.4 ( updated 06-17-2015 )
* All files changed/updated
- Made Divi fully fluid ( all Module are percentage based now )
- Added Divi Library and ability to save modules, rows and sections
- Added ability to create global modules, rows and sections and sync their content
- Added Settings for Rows
- Added 'Change Column Structure' option for Rows
- Added Gutter width options for the entire website and for single rows
- Added Width option for the entire website and for single rows
- Added Advanced options and Custom CSS options to all modules.
- Added New options into Theme Customizer and updated existing options
* All existing sections of customizer have been updated with new settings
* Added Buttons settings
* Added Blog settings
* Added Mobile styles settings
* Added new font options for varius areas of website and modules
* Added section height and row height options

Divi Theme 2.4 Download Free

* Added Footer layout option
* Some more various options
- Added new header options
* Header height
* Fixed header height
* 'Centered inline logo' header style
* 'Hide Navigation Until Scroll' option
* Various font options for navigation
* Dropdown menu animation
* Some more various options

Divi Theme Tutorial

- Added Module Customizer to configure General settings for every module
- Added 'Code' Module
- Added 'Fullwidth Code' Module
- Added 'Post Title' Module
- Added 'Fullwidth Post Title' Module
- Added 'Fullwidth Image' Module
- Improved the Page Builder appearance
- Improved all modules css code
- Added Page Builder for posts
- Added fullscreen option into the Fullwidth Header module
- Moved Divi options from the Appearance menu into its own 'Divi' menu
- Reworked the Divi search bar in the header
- Fixed the issue with pagination in Blog module when offset is defined
- Improved Builder code and made it easier to add new custom modules
- Various bug fixes and code improvements
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